artificial grass is great for pets

Artificial grass Dubai is great for pets

Is artificial grass Dubai right for you and your pets?

Over the last decade or so artificial grass has become increasingly popular and is now a common sight in homes, villas, hotels, apartments, leisure centres all over the world. Artificial grass technology has advanced in such a huge way over the last few years that many people struggle to actually tell the difference between synthetic grass and real, natural grass. There are a number of reasons why people choose to fit artificial turf in their gardens. Some prefer it as it’s far less hassle than real grass, some prefer the way it looks and some have it because grass is just not a viable option where they live. In hotter parts of the world, Dubai and the UAE for example it’s extremely hot and hardly any rain which means grass struggles to grow. Artificial turf in Dubai provides a solution to that particular problem. Let’s not be selfish though, after all it’s not about us is it? Our Dubai pets can also benefit from a garden full of artificial grass. Here are 3 reasons why artificial grass provides greener living for you, and your pets.

No muddy paw prints in the house 

One common drawback associated with real grass is the fact that when it does rain, or when it’s just naturally damp, sand and mud from a natural lawn can get everywhere, including on our pets. If we let our dogs, cats, or any other pet outside to play when they come back in the house they’ll trample muddy paw prints on your floors and get mud all over your furniture. Artificial grass requires no soil and therefore will never turn muddy, even in the rain. This means your pets can play outside to their heart’s content and will come back in just as clean and possibly even cleaner than when they went out!

No risk of toxins

Household pets tend to eat most things in the garden, including the grass. Natural grass itself isn’t harmful to them but if the grass has been treated with weed killers, pesticides, and other chemicals and then this could cause some serious problems. Artificial grass requires no chemicals at all to keep it looking great so your pets can spend all day on the synthetic grass without any exposure to nasty toxins.

Click here for more information on how artificial grass is good for your pets.

Water conservation Dubai

How synthetic turf is able to conserve Dubai water resources

When it comes to hot parts of the world, Dubai is up there as being one of the hottest locations on the planet. For much of the year, even during the winter months, the sky is often clear and blue and the sun often bakes and scorches the earth with temperatures  reaching record breaking highs. The weather is most commonly dry and sunny and as a result, not much rain falls here in Dubai. As there is not as much rain as in other parts of the world, water resources are low and diminishing every day. Many homeowners in Dubai account for a large percentage of their monthly water usage on their gardens, most commonly on their lawns. In order for lawns to remain green, they need two things: sunshine, and water. They have sunshine, in fact they have an abundance of sunshine, but they don’t have the water without human intervention. It is notoriously difficult for grass to grow in this part of the world as the hot sun simply bakes, scorches, and dries out the earth, killing the natural grass. The good news however, is that Dubai’s water issue is slowly beginning to show signs of improvements with the many initiatives currently taking place in and around the city.  Synthetic turf also known as artificial grass is also beginning to play it’s part in helping to conserve water, one garden at a time.

What is synthetic turf? – Artificial grass, also known as synthetic grass, synthetic turf, and Astroturf, is a product designed to look and feel exactly like real grass, except it is made from safe, natural, non-toxic synthetic materials instead. More and more businesses and households are choosing artificial grass as it requires very, very little maintenance, it doesn’t grow. It’s strong, it isn’t destroyed by hot sunshine, and it stays a deep, lush, green colour all year long. It basically provides an eco-friendly, low hassle, cost-effective alternative to real natural grass, and it is becoming more popular with each passing day.

 How is artificial grass helping to conserve Dubai’s water resources? – As mentioned, the temperatures in Dubai are extremely high for much of the year, even in the cooler winter months. The climate is very hot with scorching temperatures and not much rain. Because of this, grass really struggles to grow in this part of the world. Real grass in Dubai is often a dull yellow or brown colour because it has been scorched by the sun and hasn’t had enough water for it to grow properly. Keen gardeners in Dubai will often water their lawns daily, sometimes even twice daily, for prolonged periods of time, and as a result they are using large quantities of water each day which is draining on the local resources. Artificial grass however, is slowly providing a solution to this problem because more and more properties are getting rid of their old dead lawns and are replacing them with synthetic grass and lawns instead. These lawns look almost identical to real lawns, but as they don’t actually grow naturally, they don’t need watering and the sunshine cannot kill the grass either. As there is no need for the grass to be watered, properties with synthetic grass lawns are simply using much less water than they would have previously when they had a natural lawn, and this is doing wonders for natural water resources in the United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai.

Click here to see how Easigrass can save you money in Dubai and the UAE.

synthetic grass dubai

Synthetic turf or natural grass – which is better?

Thanks to the vast increase in popularity of synthetic turf, over the last few years, more and more households now have artificial grass in their gardens in Dubai than ever before. Because of this, one of the most common questions that people ask concerning their gardens is which is better out of synthetic turf or real, natural grass. Well, in truth, you can’t really answer that question definitively, because it’s all down to a matter of personal preference, and perhaps a person’s unique circumstances. It’s like asking which is the better colour, red or yellow? Some people like red, whilst others like yellow. If any of the following applies to you however, then you may very well be better suited to synthetic turf. We’ll now be looking at a few circumstances in which synthetic grass in Dubai could prove to be the wiser choice when compared with real grass.

You don’t have very much spare time – Let’s face it, there aren’t really enough hours in the day at the best of times, especially if you’re holding down a job, studying, and/or looking after children and animals, and keeping your home clean, tidy, and respectable. If you’re really struggling for time, looking after a garden, particularly in the summer when natural grass tends to thrive in the right conditions, can be a real time consuming experience. In this instance, you would be far better suited to synthetic turf  in Dubai because it requires far less maintenance, care and attention. One of the main benefits of synthetic grass in Dubai is the fact that it saves so much time so on days when you do have a little time to yourself, you aren’t watering, mowing, fertilizing and digging up weeds when you could be relaxing in the garden.

You’re trying to save money – If you’re actively trying to save money and cut back on your household bills and general spending, synthetic turf in Dubai could prove very useful indeed.  In hotter parts of the world like Dubai and the United Arab Emirates many households pay a great deal on their water bills, because the grass needs so much water. Even in cooler in more stable climates, water usage still adds up, as does the costs of electricity for lawnmowers, weed killers, pesticides and fertilizers. Synthetic Dubai grass requires none of the above so your bills will be greatly reduced.

You want a nice looking garden on a budget – If you’re looking for an attractive looking garden but don’t have the time or the money to maintain a real one, artificial grass is perfect because it looks so incredibly attractive and natural. Imagine a freshly mowed lawn, in the best condition possible and that’s pretty much how your lawn will look all year round. Basically, once you choose which synthetic grass Dubai you like the look of, you get to enjoy it for years upon years to come, in pretty much the same fantastic condition as when you purchased it brand new.

Click here for more benefits as to why you should choose Synthetic turf or natural grass

high quality fake grass dubai

The Highest Quality Fake Grass in Dubai

When you need fake grass, you want the finest products available on the market. What if you could have the highest quality artificial grass from Dubai, delivered and installed  at a price you can afford? Now thanks to Easigrass, you can have it all.

We are well-known for being the world’s most trusted installer of the highest quality fake grass. Whatever you interior or exterior needs we are the experts who will always exceed your every expectation.

Easigrass supply and install fake grass at residential properties, sports, leisure, commercial and retail premises as well as educational and child friendly environments. Having completed over 50,000 projects worldwide you can feel confident that you will be buying the best products and having them installed by the most experienced of fake grass teams.

Not only is our artificial grass the most realistic looking, it is manufactured to the highest safety standards. All products come with UV defenders to stay protected from the fierce heat of the sun to ensure it looks perfect for many years to come.

At Easigrass Dubai, we believe if it’s not perfect, it’s not finished.  We care a lot about you, your family, your health and happiness. We do this by installing the highest quality of fake grass, so get in touch with the leading Dubai fake grass experts.

Call us today on +971 4884 8209 to speak with our friendly team or send your enquires via our website at

myths about artificial grass

3 common myths about fake grass lawns that are simply not true

3 common myths about fake grass lawns in Dubai that are simply not true

As we’re now a part of the social networking generation, an era of smart phones, tablets, and portable devices able to connect to the internet in seconds, it seems as if everybody is now an expert on numerous subjects and they now have a means of expressing this fact via a number of different platforms. The problem is that much of this so-called “expert advice” is simply not true and is therefore counterproductive as people will read it online and take it as gospel. Even the fake grass industry has suffered as a result of misinformation and misconception and people basically saying things about the industry and the products they produce that are simply not true. In reality, fake grass is incredibly beneficial for homes, businesses, animals, people, and even the environment, yet there are still common myths associated with the industry that do seem to deter some potential clients. Here we’ll be clearing things up once and for all as we look at 3 common fake grass myths that are simply not true.


Harmful Toxins

Fake grass contains lead and other harmful toxins – Wrong! This particular myth dates way back the 1960’s, where cheap fake bright green “grass” was common in businesses all over the world, particularly the food and market trades. This fake grass felt extremely uncomfortable and was even pretty painful if the truth be told. It was instantly recognisable as cheap and fake, but more worryingly was the fact that this product did actually contain toxic lead and other harmful materials. These days however, things are very, very different compared with the 1960’s as fake grass now looks and feels just like real grass and it is now made from 100% safe and eco-friendly materials that pose no threat or danger to humans, animals, or the environment in the slightest.

Not Authentic Looking

Fake grass doesn’t look like real grass – Again, this is just not true. At first glance,fake grass looks identical to real grass and even with incredibly close inspection it will still fool some people into believing it’s the real thing. The materials, the technology, the equipment, and the expertise levels required to produce fake grass lawns have all advanced phenomenally over the last few years and truthfully artificial grass looks almost identical to real grass.

Poor For Drainage

Artificial turf drains poorly – Another myth about artificial grass that is simply not true is the fact that many believe that it drains poorly and that when it does rain, the water will just sit on the surface and turn into a giant puddle. In reality however, many fake grass companies have now developed synthetic grass that can drain water away faster and more efficiently than natural grass. It isn’t uncommon for fake lawns to drain at a rate of around 30 inches per hour. Because of this, rain water and pet urine will both drain away and as these products also contain natural odour blocking materials (that are 100% safe) bad smells are quickly  eliminated.

For more reasons as to why you should choose fake grass – click here

synthetic grass dubai

4 reasons why Synthetic Grass Dubai is perfect for your villa

4 reasons why synthetic grass Dubai is perfect for your villa 

Over the last few years, synthetic turf Dubai has become more and more popular in homes, businesses, hotels, and villas all over the world, particularly in notoriously hot locations where real grass struggles to grow. Dubai for example, is incredibly hot, pretty much all year long, even in the cooler winter months and because of that, grass, trees, and general greenery really tends to struggle. The answer to this problem however, is synthetic turf Dubai. Here, fake grass in Dubai has really taken off and is becoming a common sight in homes and villas all over the region. If you yourself are the proud owner of a Dubai villa, and would like something other than dull stone or wood in your gardens, synthetic turf Dubai could be exactly what you’re looking at. Here’s a look at just 4 reasons why artificial grass is perfect for your Dubai villa.

It stays green all year long – As mentioned, the temperature in Dubai is extremely hot, with clear blue skies and scorching hot sunshine very much the norm on an everyday basis. Whilst that probably sounds pretty pleasant to most of you, it can be pretty troublesome for anybody looking to grow plants and grass. Whereas the grass should ideally be a lush green colour, more often than not, natural grass in Dubai is instead a dull yellow/brown which is not very attractive to look at. Synthetic turf Dubai however, stays green all year long because it’s synthetic and it doesn’t require water and nutrients to thrive. Once it is fitted it will stay the same brilliant shade of green for years to come, making it a much more appealing option than real grass.

It’s  cost effective – If people do insist on having real grass in their gardens in Dubai, in order to do so they must first get used to the idea that their water bill is going to be sky high. Due to the scorching temperatures, grass needs to be watered every single day in Dubai, and it will need it in vast amounts. This in turn can cost a small fortune in water, and that’s before you factor in the water required for everyday living such as bathing, washing up etc. As mentioned previously, synthetic turf grass requires no nutrients, no fertilisers, and no water, and it still remains as green as ever, making it extremely cost effective.

No real maintenance required –Synthetic turf always remains the same length as it does not grow. It doesn’t break down and turn into mud underfoot. Plus it isn’t disrupted by insects, or dug up by animals that wish to use it as their own personal toilet. Basically once it’s laid you can sit back and relax and do nothing, other than maybe pick up the odd few leaves that may have fallen from neighbouring trees and bushes every few weeks

It’s incredibly lifelike – People are often put off by words such as synthetic or artificial or fake as they think the products in question will look unrealistic compared with how they’re supposed to look. Synthetic grass Dubai however, is incredibly lifelike and truthfully without having a close up look at the grass itself, you really can’t tell the difference between real grass and artificial grass.

Click here to view some of our villas using synthetic grass.