Synthetic Grass for sports in Dubai

What Sports Can Be Played On Artificial Grass In Dubai?

Ancient sports like camel racing and falconry have always been popular in Dubai. In recent times, the sporting scene in Dubai has evolved due to the increasing number of ex-pats and visitors from around the world. Whether it’s attending major international sporting events, or playing for leisure, you won’t have to go far to enjoy your favourite sports. The beauty of being a spectator or taking part in sports in Dubai is that the scorching heat doesn’t need to affect the surface of the game. We’ll give you a run-down of some of the most popular sports in Dubai that can be played on artificial grass.

Football Sports Grass

What can be better than playing the beautiful game in a beautiful city like Dubai? The icing on the cake is that playing football on artificial grass makes ball control even smoother and provides a more comfy experience for players. Forget about the rough and gritty turf that was used in the 1990s. Our artificial grass not only looks like the real deal but it’s practical as well. There’s no slipping and sliding as our synthetic grass increases the grip on studded boots. If you doubt the suitability of artificial grass for your football pitch in Dubai, just take a leaf out of FIFA’s book. The international governing body of football endorses the use of artificial turf.

Rugby Sports Grass

It’s hard to deny the growing popularity of rugby in Dubai. The Dubai Rugby Sevens is one of the major events on the rugby calendar. Local Rugby Clubs are also getting in on the act to cater to those who want to play rugby on a casual or semi-professional basis. With all the rough and tumble involved in rugby, it’s only natural to expect the play surface to be tough and durable. That’s where artificial grass comes in. We provide artificial grass from the Rhino-Turf range. It’s ideal to hold up under high and repeated impact, whilst also being easy on the players when they dive for the ball.

Cricket Sports Grass

Head over to Dubai Sports City if you want to see your favourite international cricket team compete. Why not join a cricket team in one of the many clubs in Dubai? If you’re really passionate about the sport, then think about having your very own cricket pitch in your back yard. Although finding the most suitable artificial grass to play cricket in Dubai isn’t easy, we’ve risen to the challenge. Our synthetic grass is durable even in areas of the pitch that’s prone to a high-level of wear and tear.

Tennis Sports Grass

The Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships is a must for tennis enthusiasts. Watch the likes of Roger Federer, Venus and Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal and other greats battle it out to become the champion. Do you fancy picking up a tennis racket to perfect your skills? You’ll be spoilt for choice by the amount of private tennis clubs and hotels where you can have a tennis match. Although different types of tennis courts require distinctive artificial grass, we’re able to cater to all of your requirements. Playing tennis on synthetic grass in Dubai is ideal for both outdoor and indoor courts. The hot sun won’t result in scorched grass and in the unlikely event of rain, play can resume pretty quickly on synthetic grass.

Golf Sports Grass

Playing on a world-renowned golf course in Dubai is one of life’s greatest pleasures for any golfing fan. Dubai has gained an enviable reputation for having some of the best golf courses in the world. The breathtaking clubhouses are only upstaged by the stunning greenery. This greenery can be achieved by using artificial grass. Don’t be fooled into thinking that synthetic grass only has good looks. Oh no, when carefully installed, it can provide a consistency and quality to rival natural grass. Artificial grass on golf courses in Dubai can also cut-down on maintenance costs. Whether it’s for a major golf club, a garden putting green and everything in between, our full range of artificial grass products for golf will get you sorted.

To begin with, it might seem like playing sports on artificial grass is no substitute for playing on real grass. We’ve showed you why you should think about using synthetic grass as a better alternative. Check-out our artificial grass for sports and you’ll be amazed at the durability and ease of maintenance. Who knows, the consistent quality of our artificial grass might even help you to raise your game.

Reasons Why You Should Install Artificial Grass in Dubai

Reasons Why You Should Install Artificial Grass in Dubai

3 reasons why you should install Artificial Grass in Dubai

Why We Love Artificial Grass (And You Should, Too!)

For many people the idea of installing artificial grass in Dubai can seem like a bit of a luxury, but that needn’t be the case. Not only can it help make your home aesthetically pleasing, adding value to your property, it can and will make your life easier. Trust us (we’ll tell you why shortly).

Now obviously we might be a bit biased when we say that we absolutely love artificial grass, but it’s not without good reason.

In fact, here are 3 great reasons why adding quality artificial grass to your property will be the best decision you make in 2016.

Reason #1 ‐ Low Maintenance, High Reward

Real grass requires a very real commitment, and when it comes to maintaining a healthy, natural lawn, you can end up spending an awful lot of time and money taking care of it.
Enter artificial grass. Once it has been installed, there’s very little you need to worry about. Guaranteed for 6 years, and with an average lifespan of between 10 and 15 years, you can just kick back and admire the extremely real looking fake grass now taking pride of place in your garden.

Oh, and remember when we said it’d make your life easier earlier? Well replacing grass with an artificial alternative means you can wave goodbye to spending hours mowing and weeding your lawn. Result!

Now that’s all good and well, but what about this “high reward?”

The fact is that in the long run installing artificial turf in Dubai will save you money. There’s no two ways about it. Your water bill will be reduced significantly (by up to 70% in some cases) thanks to no longer having to keep your lawn consistently watered.

Reason #2 ‐ Ideal for Pets & Kids

If you have pets or kids then adding artificial turf to your yard should be a no‐brainer. As a parent or animal lover, all you really want is a safe, clean environment for your child or furry friend to play.

With our Easigrass™ shockpad underlay, you’ll feel safe in the knowledge that should your child take a tumble they’ll be protected from injury. Also, you have the added bonus of removing grass stains from the equation!

Where your pets are concerned, the durability of artificial grass comes into its own. A natural lawn subjected to cats and dogs will typically be riddled with holes and patches of dead grass to mark the spot when nature called. Installing artificial grass for pets will keep your property looking pristine as pee drains through and solid waste is easily removed.

Reason #3 ‐ It’s GREAT for the Environment

Dubai’s climate, humidity and lack of rainfall does not lend itself to the easy growth and maintenance of natural greenery, and grass is no different. In order for real grass to flourish in the arid conditions of the UAE, it requires water, and lots of it.

If you care about water conservation like we do, then you’ll love the fact that synthetic grass is tailor made to help conserve water in Dubai by removing one of the major causes of water wastage there is, the sprinkler.

And, not only do you never have to water your artificial grass, you don’t need to use any nasty or potentially harmful pesticides either. Another huge win for the environment right there!

Embrace the Easigrass Revolution

There you have it, 3 pretty fantastic reasons to make the switch to artificial turf. Join the Easigrass revolution and soon you’ll be feeling the most realistic synthetic grass between your toes (and also feeling pretty smug about all the money and water you’re saving!).

Not convinced? If you need even more reasons to swap your dry, brown grass with green, luscious, real looking artificial grass then please get in touch to speak with one of our specialists today.

5 steps to remove brown spots on grass in Dubai

5 steps to remove brown spots on grass in Dubai

How to get rid of brown spots on your Dubai grass in five easy steps

The smallest of brown spots on your Dubai grass isn’t only unsightly but it can quickly spread out of control. To add to the distress, it’s sometimes difficult to pin-point the exact cause of what’s making your beautiful grass turn brown.

One of the most common causes is a disease caused by the Rhizoctonia fungus. The effect of this fungal disease is commonly known as ‘brown patch.’ This is one of the most damaging of all the Dubai grass diseases. Brown patch thrives in temperatures of 80°F upwards. Unfortunately, the high levels of humidity in Dubai are perfect for brown patch to spread at an alarming rate.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to combat brown patch if you notice it on your grass.

1. Don’t keep your grass too tall or too short

Tall grass prevents wind and sunlight penetrating the canopy layers and redirects moisture and heat from the surface of the grass. This results in trapped humidity and heat, which provides the perfect atmosphere for the fungus to breed.

On the other hand, mowing your grass too short also leaves it more prone to infection. It can be confusing to decide on the optimal length to keep your grass, as every country has different requirements. In addition, the ideal length is also determined by the type of grass you have.

2. Make sure your mower is in tip-top shape

The gardener who looks after your grass in Dubai should already have the necessary equipment to keep it healthy. You should stress the importance of keeping lawn mower blades clean and sharp. Unclean blades could spread the brown patch to other areas of your grass. Dull blades obviously do a poor job of cutting the grass and make it weaker.

It’s in your best interests to ensure that your gardener maintains his lawnmower. You can do this by finding out some basic information like the frequency of:

  • the air filter being changed
  • the blades being sharpened
  • the mower being professionally tuned

If your gardener belongs to a gardening firm in Dubai, be sure to ask the supervisor about the maintenance of the mower and other tools.

3. Know how to water

It’s tempting to up the watering of your grass if you notice brown patch. Before you contemplate increasing the length of time you run your irrigation system, take into consideration that over-watering can kill your grass. Avoid watering in the middle of the day, as the moisture will become locked-in on the surface. Trapped moisture won’t evaporate at the required rate. This will facilitate the ideal environment for the growth of brown patch.
If you don’t have an irrigation system, make sure your gardener doesn’t over-water any areas of brown patch.

4. Starve the brown patch fungus

Like your Dubai grass, the fungus that causes brown patch also loves nitrogen. Feeding your brown patch with extra fertilizer may seem like the commonsensical thing to do. However, exercise caution here as fertilizer containing nitrogen will feed the brown patch fungus and give it more energy.

You’ll need to do your homework to find a fertilizer program that’s right for the brown patch on your Dubai grass. You’ll most likely need the help of your gardener’s supervisor and the garden centre assistant to determine which fungicide is best.

5. Replace the brown patch

The tips above show how difficult it can be to deal with brown patch on your garden grass. You need to have real confidence that your gardener or their supervisor is an expert landscaper. As well as possessing the right knowledge, your gardener also needs to use and maintain the right tools. The quest for green grass with no brown patch in Dubai doesn’t need to be a frustrating one.

If what you’re after is to see lush green grass surrounding your home in Dubai, consider installing artificial grass. It not only looks and feel like real grass, but it’s very low maintenance compared to real grass.

We understand that you might be sceptical about whether synthetic grass can be as good as the real thing. Check out our gallery to see whether you can spot the difference between real and artificial Dubai grass. If you’re curious to find out more, contact us and we’ll answer any questions you have.

Artificial Grass For Sports

Artificial Sports Grass in Dubai

The heated debate regarding the benefits of natural grass compared to artificial sports grass has been stirring for years now. Nobody can say that Dubai residents don’t take their favorite sports seriously! From football to rugby to hockey, every sport played on a field relies upon a solid grass surface.

While each opposing side of the grass-or-turf controversy has made its own valid points over the years, new technological developments recently helped to declare artificial sports grass in Dubai as the clear winner in sports surface management.

Artificial grass defined

Artificial grass, also known as synthetic turf and artificial sports grass and astroturf, is a grass-like surface created out of synthetic fibers. It’s most popularly used on football pitches where it provides a playing surface available year-round, come rain or shine. From afar it’s impossible to distinguish between natural grass and turf, but close-up the precise uniformity of turf becomes clear.

The History of Artificial Turf

How did the sports industry begin making the conversion from natural grass to artificial grass and when did it become so popular in Dubai? The transition famously began in the Houston, Texas Astrodome field in 1965. As the world’s first domed stadium, it took a bit of trial and error to discover that the dome couldn’t remain transparent- to provide the grass with sunlight- without also causing a glare that interfered with the players’ vision. The roof was painted to minimize glare, and it didn’t take long for the grass on the field to wither and die.

Rather than admitting defeat, the stadium owners and engineers opted to utilize the first ever artificial playing surface which eliminated the need for natural sunshine inside the dome. This green carpet made of nylon fibers was a far cry from the sophisticated turf commonly installed today, but it rang in a new era of possibilities. Today, the third generation of artificial sports grass here in Dubai is more technologically advanced than ever and it offers a host of benefits for players, spectators, and even the maintenance team as well.

Superior Performance

More than anything else, artificial grass is durable. Unlike natural grass fields in Dubai which can’t sustain more than 3 or 4 days of use per week and are always closed after heavy rain, artificial grass fields in Dubai possess strategic drainage systems that make them available all year round. Increased playability means more access for all sportsmen and women eager to practice and play their favorite sports.

Synthetic fields are also reliably smooth and free of the potholes and dips that are inevitable after heavy play on natural grass. Since artificial sports grass doesn’t warp or break during use, players are much less likely to trip or lose balance and sustain an injury. This improved safety provides crucial reassurance to the worried parents of young athletes while also preventing damages that could undermine the success of a professional football team in Dubai.

Not only this, but the design of artificial sports grass allows for more secure footing, which helps athletes turn and stop with impressive precision. With optimal shock pad absorption and injury protection, athletes can truly perform at their very best when artificial grass, not natural grass, is under their feet.

Environmentally Sound

Believe it or not, artificial sports grass is incredibly friendly to the environment- dramatically more so than natural grass! According to Penn State University in the United States the upkeep of a natural grass football field is exceedingly demanding on environmental resources.

Mowing must occur as soon as the grass reaches ¾ of an inch above the mowing height, and sprinklers should run until water has penetrated a full six inches into the grass. Full aeration and fertilization both occur two or three times per year on natural grass fields to reverse the compacted soil damage, prevent weeds, and maintain the grass’ nutrients. Of course, chemical treatments also occur regularly for weed control.

Artificial sports grass, on the other hand, does not require sunlight, watering, or fertilizer. That’s more than 500,000 gallons of water saved per year in Dubai when the transfer is made to artificial sports grass! Many synthetic turf adversaries will try to claim that the use of rubber infill damages the environment, but most rubber actually comes from recycled tires that otherwise would have been stuffed into landfills for the rest of eternity.
Best of all, when an artificial turf surface has reached the end of its life, it doesn’t need to just be uninstalled and thrown away. Every turf component can either be reused or recycled: The synthetic grass itself finds a new home in another field or is repurposed into resin pellets, and the sand and rubber infill is recycled into a new artificial grass surface.

Lower Costs and Maintenance

As is proven through the many environmental benefits of artificial grass its maintenance is dramatically less demanding than natural grass. Though initial installation is more expensive, the lower long term maintenance costs ultimately result in large savings. Synthetic sports fields usually pay for themselves within four years in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, which is a highly cost-effective investment considering that astroturf is meant to last 10 years or more.

The brushing and light watering (cleaning) required for artificial sports grass costs significantly less than the thousands upon thousands of dirhams needed for the water, fertilizer, mowing, and seeding of regular grass.

The Common Arguments Against Turf… And Why They Are Wrong

Most artificial turf opponents cite concerns about the synthetic turf’s safety, but recent studies from credible sources have officially validated it through multi-year studies that artificial turf fields show no elevated health risks and do not contribute to any public health concerns.

Lead is another major sticking point, with many critics claiming that lead levels in artificial sports turf will lead players to experience neurological damage. In more than 40 years of use, there has never been an instance of human illness as a direct proven result of synthetic turf. This non-issue surfaced in 2008 when a few turf fields in the States tested with elevated levels of lead which ended up occurring because the lead chromate used to promote colorfastness hadn’t been encapsulated. The problem was immediately resolved and the artificial turf safety was reasserted only a few months later.

Clearly, the benefits of artificial sports grass over standard grass are various and far-reaching. From recreational football league fields to FIFA approved stadiums, sports grass can transform any sporting experience and save valuable money and resources in the process.