
Synthetic Grass for sports in Dubai

Synthetic Grass for sports in Dubai

There is only one type of grass in Dubai that looks great all year round and can stand up to the toughest of use and harshest of weather – that’s synthetic grass, and that’s why it is increasingly being used for all kinds of sports in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. In a region with soaring temperatures that are just not kind to natural grass, synthetic grass for sports in Dubai truly is the practical choice.

Dubai has come into its own in recent times, and so has its sports sector; whether for personal enjoyment or at club or international level. Keeping a pitch green and usable with natural grass has proven to be a frustrating, costly and time-consuming affair in Dubai, leaving many to look for real alternatives that will have their pitches in stellar shape all year around.

Here at Easigrass, the leading artificial grass company in Dubai, we have the answer. No matter the sport you play in Dubai, from football and rugby to cricket and athletics, our synthetic grass for sports will do an incredible job. The added advantage of using our synthetic grass for sporting events is that unlike natural grass, it isn’t ripped to shreds by heavy use. You only have to look at a natural grass football or rugby pitch after a match to see large areas of it destroyed and shredded by studs.

There’s no need to go to the expense of constant maintenance and repair with Easigrass synthetic grass for sports; it’s perfectly able to take the wear and tear of any sporting event in Dubai, along with the constant high temperatures and sunshine that would threaten to kill natural grass off. The advances in the development of our synthetic turf products – which are made with an inbuilt UV defender to protect them from harmful radiation from the sun – mean the synthetic grass not only looks like the real thing but is also much safer for players.

Plus, you won’t have to water your synthetic grass in Dubai, or remove any weeds. It also doesn’t require any fertiliser or pesticides, saving lots of time, effort and money. Dubai sports players, especially football, will perform better and spectators will enjoy an enhanced game on beautiful synthetic grass that’s fully guaranteed by us and designed to last.

To find out more about Easigrass and how it can give your sporting events in Dubai a big boost, get in touch with us today and our experts will be happy to tell you more.


Artificial grass pitch for The British School in Muscat

Easigrass builds an artificial grass pitch for The British School in Muscat

In December 2015 the Easigrass Team descended, from Dubai, into Muscat, Oman to begin the installation of an artificial grass football pitch for the British School Muscat. Bas Lodewijkx, on of the most highly respected Installers in the Industry stepped onto the concrete deck of the British School ready to begin the installation.

Rhino-Turf by Easigrass™

Synthetic sports grass installation team Dubai  artificial grass installation for sports fake grass for sports

The product chosen by the British School was from the Rhino-Turf (An Easigrass Group Company) VT Range, the VT32. The VT range is a world class range products; it’s extremely resilient and hard wearing yet silky smooth to the touch and has a thick, dense Root-zone built into the synthetic turf. The VT32 is one of the shortest products in the VT range at 32mm; it was chosen as it is suitable for both hockey and football. If the artificial grass was any longer, for example the VT40 (40 mm), it would be too long to play hockey on and the ball wouldn’t roll.

Underneath the artificial grass we used a 12mm closed cell shock pad to improve safety, comfort and performance. Without the shock pad the children would risk injury as the synthetic turf would be directly on top of the hard concrete.


artificial sports grassThe shock pad was rolled out followed by the turf and the seams immaculately cut in. At this stage the top deck is one huge green carpet. Now it’s time for the lines. With great precision all the lines, hockey and football, were cut into the turf.

So the turf is down, next comes the sand and rubber infill. The giant 1 tonne bags were craned up onto the platform where they were opened into the spreader. The sand is an extremely important part of the whole turf system. The sand falls deep into the pile of the grass and gives the pitch its stability. Without the sand the grass could easily lift up and potentially lift off in very high winds. The sand we use is an imported sand called silica sand; its properties make it the prefect material to stabilise the base. After the sand comes the rubber infill. In this case we used recycled EPDM. Normally, in the UAE, GCC and Dubai companies use SBR rubber which is made from recycled tyres. We don’t use SBR as it can smell, especially when the temperature reaches 50 Degrees. EPDM does not smell so it was our choice for this sports field.

Lastly, now that the infill is in, the artificial grass system is brushed and groomed so that the infill is evenly spread throughout the pitch.

Have a look at this video to see the first time the pitch was used by the kids at the British School.

Easigrass have offices in Dubai, London and South Africa.