
Astroturf Dubai – What you need to know!

Let’s face it, in this day and age the economy is far from stable, and the threat of global warming and climate change is very real indeed. We understand now more than ever exactly why every penny counts, and why we should be doing all that we can to conserve and protect the earth’s resources, as well as the environment as a whole. Recycling efforts have quadrupled over the last decade or so, and although we’re making great progress, there’s still a long way for us to go. Eco-friendly and energy saving products are now very much in fashion, with a surprising example coming in the form of Astroturf Dubai. Not only is this  Astroturf Dubai proving very effective for conserving energy and resources, it is also helping to save money in the process. In reality, there are many great advantages to getting an Astroturf Dubai Lawn to replace your regular lawn, and if you’re thinking of purchasing one, here are a few things you should know ahead of time.

Astroturf Dubai is incredibly realistic

One reason why many people tend to be put off at the prospect of installing Astroturf Dubai on their property is  they think that because it has the word ‘artificial’, ‘fake’, or ‘synthetic’ in the title, that it will somehow look cheap and unrealistic. In reality however, the exact opposite is true as synthetic grass Dubai is now manufactured in such a manner that the materials used look incredibly lifelike and realistic, and in reality, unless you got extremely up close and examined it thoroughly, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between real grass, and Astroturf Dubai.

Astroturf Dubai is very safe

Astroturf Dubai is considered extremely safe and hygienic, and for that reason it is used in playgrounds, playing fields, sports pitches, and other similar locations all over the world. To begin with, the surface is very soft and forgiving underfoot, so in the event of slips, trips, or falls, there is much less chance of an injury occurring. Then there’s the hygiene factor. Whether you have it on your garden, or used on a playground or playing field perhaps,  Astroturf Dubai is more hygienic than regular grass as it is equipped with fantastic drainage systems which drain away pet urine and other similar substances, destroying the odour and bacteria in the process.

Astroturf Dubai is extremely durable and hardwearing

If you have a real grass lawn, you won’t need anybody to tell you just how badly affected the grass can become if it is tramped upon and walked on regularly, especially if it happens to be wet. The grass can quickly be worn down and turned to mud, and before you know it your once green garden will now be a brown patch of mud.  Astroturf Dubai  however, is extremely durable and hardwearing, which means that no matter the weather, and no matter how much use it gets, even in very high-traffic areas, the blades of “grass” still remain intact and look as good

Astroturf Dubai enquiries – please click here


Sports – The advantages of artificial turf Dubai.

Sport is enjoyed all over the world, especially Dubai both for playing and viewing. The human race has been participating in, and enjoying, various sporting and athletic events for literally centuries upon centuries, just look at the Olympic games made famous by the ancient Greeks for example. As time has progressed however, we’ve invested a great deal of time and money into various sports and as a result have been able to develop state of the art tools, technology, accessories, and equipment designed to not only make us better at what we do, but to also enhance the safety and efficiency of these events as well. One modern advancement which is taking over the sporting world  is the use of artificial turf Dubai. Artificial turf Dubai, offers numerous benefits and advantages for football players, rugby players, athletes, gyms, leisure centres, athletic clubs, and other locations where sporting events and games are played and for that reason we’ll be taking a more in-depth look at exactly why artificial turf Dubai is so important in the sporting world.

Which sports can benefit the most from artificial turf Dubai?

Before we go any further, first off we’ll take a quick look at which sports and events can benefit the most from artificial turf Dubai:


Cricket pitches are now using artificial turf Dubai products more than ever before, especially in warmer parts of the world. Cricket is played and enjoyed all over the planet, though it is especially popular in countries with very hot climates such as India, Sri Lanka, Australia. As there is a lot of sunshine, the grass needs watering everyday or else it dries up  and dies. Cricket clubs spend an absolute fortune on maintenance for their grass pitches, mainly in water, so naturally an artificial grass Dubai product which does not require watering or very much maintenance at all is going to save a fortune.

Football and rugby pitches

Football is the most popular sport in the world and is very demanding, not only on the players, but also on the pitch as well. The players use football boots with studs which rip the grass to shreds. Because of this, looking after the field is a nightmare for groundsmen and costs clubs an absolute fortune, not only in water, but also in general maintenance costs too. Not all football and soccer clubs have millions to spend like bigger clubs in the world, so naturally, every penny will count for them. Rugby players and clubs also experience the same issues, so as a way of saving money and protecting the pitches, more and more clubs are going with artificial turf Dubai surfaces instead.

Mini golf

Mini golf is also very popular and is a fantastic day out for friends and families alike. Unlike real golf greens however, mini golf surfaces do not use real grass as maintaining it on a daily basis would be impossible. Instead, artificial turf Dubai is used in its place and it looks great. The grass can be chosen as short as you would find on a golfing green  and as a result players can make perfect contact with the ball when they’re putting. It’s also hardwearing so it doesn’t wear down after being trampled on for days, weeks, months, even years at a time.

Please contact Easigrass for your artificial turf requirement.

buyers guide to synthetic grass

Synthetic grass Dubai – A buyers guide

Although synthetic grass has only really gained traction over the last decade or so, in reality, synthetic grass Dubai has been around for more than 30 years now, although back then it looked and felt very different to the products you will find in the market now. Synthetic grass Dubai is now used in countries all over the world, even in locations where real grass would thrive. The reason for this is not only the cost-effectiveness and the practicality of these products, but also the fact that they look and feel so incredibly life-like. If you’ve been considering installing synthetic grass Dubai in your back garden, here’s a basic buyer’s guide to help you out.


Consider why synthetic grass Dubai is better than the real thing

Some of us will see or hear the word “synthetic” or “artificial” and will instantly be put off. In reality however, many believe these products to be superior to real grass. Not only is growing grass difficult in areas with lots of hot sunshine and not much rain, but your actual house, as well as your trees and other surrounding buildings can also make it difficult due to the shade they create. If a patch of grass is constantly in the shade, hidden from the sun by a large building, the grass just will not grow. Synthetic grass Dubai gives the look and feel of a finely cut and maintained lawn in all conditions. It’s also much softer and therefore safer, and more pleasant to walk on.


What is the grass being installed on?

If you were to try and install new synthetic grass dubai onto an uneven hard, rocky surface, you’d have a real nightmare levelling it all out, laying under soil, removing rocks, stones, concrete etc. Synthetic grass Dubai grass can be laid on a prepared base or on top of paving stones. If the surface is uneven and bumpy this can be easily levelled.


Ask for samples before you buy

If you went to buy a carpet, you wouldn’t just ask the shop for any carpet and see what turned up, you’d look through samples beforehand, and that’s exactly what you should do with this synthetic grass dubai. There are so many different varieties, in various shades, lengths, thicknesses, and colours etc, that even selecting the perfect product for your garden will be quite a task, though it’s well worth it in the end, so make sure you take your time.

Buyers Guide for Synthetic Grass

Artificial Grass For the Home

3 reasons to use Dubai artificial grass

A well maintained natural lawn can look incredible and nurturing your lawn into fantastic shape can be incredibly rewarding. Can be!! The problem is that it requires a huge amount of work to keep up appearances, just one or two days of slacking can quickly result in a much less attractive finish to your lawn. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for stripes or a more natural yet fine and even look, if you want a lawn like you see on gardening shows and in gardening magazines, you must be prepared to put in a lot of work. Or, alternatively, if you are busy with work, family, school, or just general day to day living, you could do what millions of people all over the world with the same goals and aspirations as you are doing, and install artificial grass Dubai in their gardens. Still need a little more convincing? No problem.

Dubai artificial grass is Cleaner

Artificial grass Dubai is ideal if you enjoy a clean home, clean clothes, clean shoes, and a clean garden. As Dubai artificial grass doesn’t grow naturally it doesn’t need soil to thrive.  Instead, the specially designed fibres are fitted to a porous backing and as a result as there is no soil and consequently no dirt or mud. That means that whether it’s wet or dry, you still won’t have to worry about getting muddy and dirty after venturing out into the garden.

No more weeds

Weeds are the bane of any gardener’s life, they’re the Lex Luther to their superman, the Joker to their Batman, and various other well known villains….. Gardeners spend more time digging up and treating weeds than anything else, and if you’re sick to the back teeth of having to deal with weeds on your lawn,  Dubai artificial grass is perfect. This  backing material as well as a thick geo-textile membrane provide a thick and protective layer preventing weeds from emerging. Combine that with the Dubai artificial grass silica sand layer and your lawn will look immaculate and entirely weed-free.

No water, pesticides, or fertilizer required

Another great benefit of Dubai artificial grass is that it requires no water, no fertilizer and no pesticides in which not only saves you money, it also saves time and effort as well. There is no need for water or and it stays green all year around.

Long story short with Dubai artificial grass your lawn will look immaculate and well-maintained all year round without having to lift a finger.

Read more about the benefits of Dubai artificial grass