Artificial Grass For Swimming Pools

Dubai artificial turf – make the right choice!

In today’s world, many of us barely have time to eat never mind spend time in our gardens cutting grass, watering, weeding, and carrying out general maintenance every single week. Whilst having a grassy garden is extremely appealing for some, especially those of you who can’t bear to look at dull grey stone and concrete every single day. It has to be said that looking after a real lawn garden is far from easy, especially if you find yourself struggling for time. The good news however, is that there is an alternative to horrible looking concrete and boring gravel, in the form of Dubai artificial turf. Dubai artificial turf  is just as it sounds, an artificial form of grass made from realistic and safe materials that is designed to provide the same fantastic look as a well maintained garden, with the added bonus of requiring very little maintenance at all. If we’ve gotten your attention, here are a few reasons why you should choose dubai artificial turf for your home, business, villa, or anywhere else for that matter.

Dubai artificial turf will Save You Money

It will save you money – Who doesn’t like saving money in this day and age? Well, the good news is that with Dubai artificial turf., you can save a small fortune in a relatively short period of time. Unlike real grass, artificial grass requires no watering, no fertilizing, no cutting and therefore fuel or electricity, and generally no maintenance in the slightest, so you won’t need to employ a gardener either. You basically have an ultra-realistic lush green garden in the best possible condition all year long.

Strong & Durable

It is strong and durable – As it’s synthetic, many people worry that Dubai artificial turf is not going to be very strong or durable and that it will rip and tear underfoot leaving you with a whopping great hole in the middle of your lawn. In reality however, Dubai artificial turf is incredibly strong and is much stronger than real grass which can quickly be destroyed in high-traffic areas and by heavy footed individuals and animals. Dubai artificial turf remains strong and durable and is unaffected even after it may have taken a bit of a beating.

Looks Fabulous

It looks fabulous – Ever noticed how great real grass looks after it’s been well watered and then neatly cut? Well,Dubai artificial turf will look even better than this, with the added bonus of staying the same length, the same vibrant green colour, and in exactly the same condition it was when you first purchased it. Each blade of the grass looks ultra-realistic and many can’t even tell the difference between real and synthetic, even when they get down on their hands and knees and take a closer look.


It’s eco-friendly – Another reason you may want to consider Dubai artificial turf is the fact that it is eco-friendly and is therefore kind to animals, humans, and the environment in general. It is made using safe, non-toxic materials. It also requires no watering so less water is wasted, and there is also no need for pesticides or fertilizers, which can actually be harmful.

Please visit Easigrass for more information.

Artificial Grass For Golf

An Artificial putting green in Dubai

Golf is one of the most popular and enjoyable sports in the entire world and it is enjoyed in countries all across the globe. If you have ever played golf, you won’t need anybody to tell you that it can also be the most frustrating sport on the face of the earth. When you’re playing well, there’s no finer game, but when you’re dropping shots left, right, and centre, it can bring out in a rage in you that would make the incredible Hulk look like a church mouse. Golf is very much a game of consistency as all it takes is one poor hole or one dropped shot to make a great round into an awful round. For many people, putting is by far the hardest aspect of golf as they will make it to the green no problem, but will then drop shots trying to get the ball into a hole from a few yards away. With golf, particularly putting, practice makes perfect so why not consider an artificial putting green for your backyard? These artificial grass putting greens are proving incredibly popular and here’s a look at how they could help you to improve your golf game.

You can practice your putting – The only way you’re ever going to become a better golfer is by practicing, particularly your putting. Even if you feel your putting is a strong point, experts recommend practising at least 2 hours each week, spaced out over several days. Having an artificial putting green installed in your garden in Dubai means that you can practise your putting to your heart’s content. You can work on your short putts, your long putts, trick shots, or anything putting related for that matter.

You can practice chipping – Another benefit of an artificial putting green is the fact that you can also practice chipping onto the artificial putting greens from further away in your garden. Pitching and chipping are two more incredibly vital aspects of golf, so you would be wise to focus on these aspects of your golf game as opposed to just your putting.

They’re a whole heap of fun – If you were to have a natural putting green in your garden, you would need to maintain the grass and cut it incredibly finely, pretty much every single day. They require constant water, care, maintenance and attention and are just not practical. An artificial putting green however is perfect because it can play the finest green you would find on a professional golf course. It then has the added bonus of requiring virtually no maintenance in the slightest. Because of this, you and your friends can focus on practising and having fun instead. Having fun on an artificial putting green and enjoying what you’re doing is only going to serve as motivation to help you get better and better.

View some of our artificial grass for golf images

football artificial grass

4 benefits of artificial football grass

Football Grass in Dubai

Football grass actually got its big break in the sports world as it was used in a variety of different sports pitches. To this day, artificial football grass is still incredibly popular in the sporting world, especially Dubai as it’s used commonly in sports such as soccer, football, hockey, rugby, and tennis, to name but a few. As the years have gone by the technology of artificial football grass in Dubai has advanced at an extraordinary rate and the finished products these days are now incredibly lifelike and provide a long list of different benefits when compared with natural football grass. Just a few of these benefits include the following:

It can be used at all times – The problem with natural football grass is that it can quickly become worn down with overuse as well as being heavily affected by the elements. Think about the winter for example, the soil can become frozen and hard, making it far too dangerous to be played on. Artificial football grass in Dubai however is not affected by overuse or the elements so the pitches can be played on at all times, whatever the weather.

It looks incredibly lifelike – Another benefit of artificial football grass in Dubai is the fact that the football grass in looks extremely lifelike and realistic, helping it to retain all of the characteristics associated with natural football grass. This is not only great for the players, but it’s also great for spectators as well.

It’s softer than regular football grass – Most sports are pretty physical which means players will slip, trip and fall. If the ground is especially hard underneath it could be incredibly dangerous. Artificial football grass in Dubai is ideal because it is much softer and far more forgiving than natural football grass. That means that it’s much safer as accidents and injuries are much less likely to occur.

Less maintenance – Maintaining a real sports pitch is an absolute nightmare for the groundkeepers as not only does the football grass have to be cut on a regular basis, the turf also gets dug up, turned over, and generally disrupted after each game. This means that new seeds have to be planted, or new turf has to be laid regularly, which is not only difficult and time consuming, it’s also very expensive. Artificial football grass in Dubai sports pitches require far less maintenance because they’re much more hard wearing, artificial football grass doesn’t grow or get churned into mud, and it doesn’t need fertilizing or treating with pesticides.

Contact Easigrass about football grass

artificial grass for schools in dubai

Fake grass Dubai improves safety in kids playgrounds

Fake grass for children – why you should consider it.

Our children are our lives and we will do all that we can to ensure that they’re safe and happy at all times. If you have children you’ll also know that looking after them is certainly no easy feat as as it’s a 24/7 job to make sure that they’re safe and are keeping out of trouble. When they’re babies it’s bad enough, but once they’re able to walk, and *gasp, run, things get really difficult. Kids will trip, slip, jump, bang, and fall; there’s no getting around that fact. The only issue is making sure that when they do take a tumble, they simply get back up, dust themselves off, and carry on playing. The playground, for example, is a kid’s best friend, yet it can also be potentially dangerous. Schools and nurseries are now turning to fake grass Dubai to help improve children’s safety in their playgrounds. More and more playgrounds all over the world are installing fake grass Dubai as their default flooring in their playgrounds and the results are extremely impressive. Here’s a look at how fake grass Dubai can help improve children’s safety in the playground.

Less chance of slipping – As natural grass gets trampled on it eventually dies and the earth and dirt beneath the grass is then exposed. This dirt can turn to mud in high traffic areas and the mud can then become very slippery. Slippery surfaces and young excitable children do not mix. Even if the grass remains in relatively decent condition. Fake grass Dubai however, is designed so that at the it is porous and the water drains straight through which means children have more grip and traction underfoot, and are less likely to slip. As this fake grass Dubai can never die, there is no need to worry about slippery mud either.

It’s much softer – Although there is less chance of a child slipping on fake grass Dubai, children do still slip and trip and they are still going to fall. Instead of falling on hard soil and dirt beneath a thin layer of natural grass however, the kids will fall instead on the fake grass Dubai, which is much softer and helps to absorb the impact of the fall, cushioning the blow making it much safer for your kids.

No nasty surprises hidden in long grass and the dirt – In playgrounds all over the world, bugs and creepy crawlies and pets are attracted to grass. Dog owners should clear up after their animals but they unfortunately don’t always. This mess can then get trampled into the grass and dirt, and can become hidden. Animal mess is very dangerous, which is why fake grass Dubai is so effective. Not only does fake grass Dubai deter animals from using the playground as their toilet, but, as the grass never grows, any excrement which may have been left will be far more visible. This is true for other harmful materials including broken glass and sharp objects which can be hidden by long grass and trampled into the mud.


Fake grass Dubai for schools and nurseries

Artificial Grass For Retail & Interiors

Commercial artificial grass in Dubai

The business world in Dubai is highly competitive and extremely challenging. Get certain things right however, and it can also be incredibly rewarding. In order to succeed with our businesses we need to think outside of the box, take risks and try slightly more unconventional methods of getting your brand out there. Commercial artificial grass is a great way to do just that!!  Here are some reasons why you should consider the green leap with some commercial artificial grass for your business.

More time to work ON your business

Time – The great thing about commercial artificial grass in Dubai is the fact that once it is fitted, that’s pretty much it, nothing more to worry about. As it doesn’t grow, there is no need to for gardeners to cut the grass. It doesn’t require any water or chemicals to keep it green so again, less time spent on the grass means more time spent knocking out spreadsheets in the office!

We can save you money

Money – Any businessman will tell you that one of the most important aspects of business is keeping the cost of your overheads down. Ok, commercial artificial grass does cost more than real grass initially, but overtime it will quickly pay for itself. No gardeners to pay and it doesn’t require maintenance so you can cut those costs straight away. Above all else, it doesn’t need any water so your water bill will be considerably less each year as well.

Click here for info on artificial grass for your business