
The Du Football Championship Finals at The Dubai Mall

In Early 2015 Easigrass were contacted by leading Global Brand Consultant, Inspiratus. Inspiratus had won the prestigious contract to organise the Du Football Championship. The initial rounds were being held across the UAE leading up to the Finals in The Dubai Mall on March 19th 2016.

Inspriatus tasked Easigrass with installing a football pitch on the ice rink, the catch being that it needed to be done after the Dubai Mall closed at night and before it opened in the following morning.

No problem we thought;

Until we realised that The Dubai Mall shuts at 1am and opens at 9am, giving us a total of 8 hours to install 1,800 square metres of artificial turf. Normally a pitch this size would take on average of a week to install. No problem for Easigrass, we love a challenge!!

Installation of the DU Football Championship Finals Artificial Grass Football Pitch

In order to speed up the installation process we decided to prefabricate the pitch off site. We hired a car park for 3 days and begun to prepare the turf ready for installation. After 3 solid days of work the grass was rolled up for the last time before the event.

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On the night of the event the Team arrived at the Dubai Mall ready to begin the mammoth task of creating a playable football pitch, including all of the line markings, in 8 hours. Luckily, joining our team, were technical specialists, Bas Lodewijkx from Holland and Romulo Chaves from Brazil, 2 of the most experienced artificial grass installers in the world.

One of the biggest tasks we faced was getting the turf into the mall; we had 15 rolls of 15mm Easi-Sport artificial turf, each roll weighing around 350kg, so in total over 5 tonnes of artificial grass.

Once the turf was in place we begun to carefully position it ready to close up the seams. Like a well oiled machine, the rolls went down one by one until we had a beautiful green surface but at this point nothing to show that it was going to be a soccer pitch. In order to get the fake grass down quickly we had to invent some clever contraptions to help us speed things up and the lines were no exception. We don’t want to give away our trade secrets but these were certainly the fastest lines that have ever gone down on an artificial soccer pitch of this size.



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At 8:35am, seven and half hours after starting the installation of the football pitch, we were finished. The sun was up and the Mall was getting ready for another busy day. We even had some for a quick kick about, to test the fake grass, It was definitely NOT for childish fun… well, maybe a bit!

Du Football Championship Event Success

The event was a huge success; Inspiratus created a buzz and atmosphere that had never before been felt in The Dubai Mall. They did an incredible job, so huge congratulations go out to them.

Real Madrid football legends Roberto Carlos and Michel Salgado were at the event for the whole afternoon to support and encourage their teams, so it was great to see them running around performing kick ups and showing off their skills on an artificial pitch Easigrass had installed.

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A fantastic event organised by Inspiratus and very proud moment for the Easigrass team. If you missed it this year make sure you come along next year!

How to Install Artificial Turf the right way

How to Install Artificial Turf the Right Way

Adding luscious artificial turf to your property is easier than you think.

I’ve covered some of the wonderful reasons why installing artificial grass in your home or garden is a great idea, but you might be curious about the installation process itself; how long it typically takes, and what goes into it to get it right.

Before I delve into the process, it bears repeating that adding some environmentally friendly greenery to your Dubai property is a sure fire way to save money on your water bills, raise its value, and make it look great in one fell swoop. It’s perfect for homes with young children or pets, giving you a safe area for them to play, while it doesn’t require nearly the same amount of maintenance that a real grass lawn does, particularly in the arid conditions of the UAE.

But, even if you strongly agree with those points, you may be a little put off by the prospect of the noise and disruption in and around your property, or you might even think it’ll take a long time and a lot of money to get it looking spot on. Well I’m here to dispel those myths and show you just how quick and straightforward installing artificial turf can be. We don’t call it Easigrass for nothing!

Installing Easigrass Artificial Turf In Your Garden

This quick step‐by‐step guide will show you just how painless our outdoor installation process really is. In fact, our expert installation team can make sure a 50 square metre lawn will be done and dusted in a single day!

Step 1: We Prepare The Ground

We begin the installation process by firstly removing the existing earth, dirt, or sand down to the required depth, clearing out any unwanted plants, rocks and vegetation as we go. This provides us with our base upon which we lay the artificial turf. Rest assured, this is done with the utmost care for your property, and the minimal amount of fuss, mess, or noise.

Step 2: We Lay Brick Edging

We then install brick (interlock) edging around the entire perimeter of the chosen area. This brick will not be visible once the turf has been laid, rather it will act as a firm edge upon which to glue the grass. This will keep your turf securely fastened to the ground.

Step 3: We Water and compact the Remaining Soil

Once the brick edging has been installed, we then water, compact, and level the remaining soil. We do this so that we have a solid, smooth base to work with when adding the additional layers that sit beneath your artificial turf.

Step 4: We Install a Weed Barrier

The next step is to fit a heavy duty permeable geotextile membrane (which we’ll supply along with your artificial grass) to act as a weed barrier. This prevents tough and stubborn weeds from pushing through underneath the turf and potentially damaging the system.

Step 5: We Add a Crushed Rock Base

We then introduce a crushed rock aggregate (a mixture of small rocks and stones) to form the new base. This provides added stability and sufficient drainage underneath the artificial grass, while at the same time acting as a further barrier to the growth of troublesome weeds.

Step 6: We Compact the New Base

After adding the crushed rock aggregate, we then compact the new base using a compacting machine to ensure it is suitably flat and solid. Full disclosure, this part of the job is a little noisy, but necessary to provide you with a smooth surface for the turf.

Step 7: We Check the Levels

The final step before we roll out your brand new artificial grass is to check and make sure the new base levels are absolutely perfect. This is essential so that we avoid any unwanted bumps or dips in the turf.

Step 8: We Supply and Fit Your Turf

We then roll out your chosen Easigrass turf to cover the selected area, before we work on the detail of fitting it to the desired dimensions. Our expert team have worked on a number of weird and wonderful shapes over the years when installing artificial grass, so nothing fazes them! We carefully trim the turf to fit, and ensure a tidy and seamless finish. For added safety (and peace of mind), ask us about installing our Easi‐shockpad underlay to protect your kids should they take a tumble on your new lawn. This shockpad layer is ideal for homes with a play area, and comes with a certified ‘critical fall height’ of up to 2.1m. When you consider just how hard the ground can become in the baking hot sun of the Dubai an the Middle East, having a soft and safe outdoor area for play is crucial.

Step 9: We Apply Artificial Grass Glue

Next, we secure the turf. It’s important to note at this stage that Easigrass never use metal spikes, pins or nails as many companies do, when securing your artificial turf. We are fully focused on the safety of you and your family, and we would never want to risk one of you stepping on a loose, rusty spike. That’s why we fix your grass to the edges with a strong and durable artificial grass glue.

Step 10: We Apply Glue to the Seaming Tape

We then apply the artificial grass adhesive to the specialist seaming tape, used to connect the rolls of turf together. We also use extra wide sports seaming tape (40mm) to make sure that the seam never comes apart.

Step 11: We Close All Seams

Once we’ve done that, we carefully and precisely close all seams before applying weights to ensure the grass remains in place as the glue dries. We then ruffle up the fibres to disguise the seams, giving the impression of one solid piece of artificial turf. If we need to even give the seams a small haircut to make sure the blend perfectly.

Step 12: We Apply White Silica Sand

Once the turf is down and joined together the next step is to apply an infill. We use white silica sand (specialist sand imported from Saudi Arabia) at 10 -20 kgs per square metre. The sand is used to provide additional stability and protection for the entire installation. This sand infill is essential as it helps keep the artificial grass blades (pile) upright, without it the grass would appear flat and lifeless. The sand will also protect the base of the artificial grass carper (backing) which, if exposed, could be damaged by a sharp object.

Step 13: We Brush the Sand

Using our specialist mechanical Easi‐brush, we vigorously brush the silica sand deep into the root zone of the grass to encourage the blades to stand up straight.

Step 14: We Finalise The Installation

Finally, we diligently wash the entire installation and surrounding areas, and tidy away our equipment and any surplus materials, ready to handover your brand new lawn to be enjoyed.

Maintaining Your Outdoor Artificial Grass

Once the installation has been completed, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of maintaining your new artificial lawn. This will help keep the grass looking green, luscious, and as good as the day it was installed all year round.

Firstly, you must brush the lawn regularly to remove any debris, and occasionally wash it with clean water to remove any buildup of dust. Avoid using a pressure washer (or similar) on the grass as you’ll run the risk of removing the infill down at the root of the artificial turf.

If the sand starts to shift or seems thin in areas then top up as necessary.

It goes without saying that setting up a barbecue directly on the turf is a bad idea due to the high temperatures, and you should make sure you and/or your guests aren’t stamping out cigarettes on the grass as this will melt the fibres.

For pet owners, and specifically dog owners, stay vigilant and make sure your furry little friend isn’t attempting to dig into the turf or rip up the edges. This rarely happens but an over zealous dog may find it an amusing game.

Installing Easigrass Artificial Turf Indoors

Our artificial grass isn’t just ideal for the outdoors; we’ve also helped our customers bring the outdoors indoors by installing our turf in living rooms, kid’s playrooms, on balconies, on terraces and in offices and shops. It’s a popular way of adding a natural look and feel to your home, without any mess or upkeep.

When it comes to laying your turf indoors or on your balcony or rooftop terrace, we usually don’t need to lift your tiles or flooring in the same way that we’d have to prepare the ground outside. Instead we simply ensure the floor is clean and smooth before laying a thick band of cloth tape around the area to protect your tiles or flooring. We then roll out the turf and glue it to the cloth tape, before joining, trimming and tidying for a quality, seamless finish.

This approach to installing artificial grass indoors means that for as long as you wish to keep it, it will remain securely in place. The moment you wish to remove it, you simply have to peel up the cloth tape and the glue and grass will peel back with it, without any damage to your floor.

Quick, Clean, and Tidy

From our customer‐focused team back at the office ready to answer any and all of your questions, to our professional and respectful installation team working on the day, we’re certain your experience with us will be top-notch. Once everything has been completed, the only clue that you’ve had Easigrass working on your property will be the expertly installed artificial grass. Everything else will be clean and tidy, just how we found it! It really couldn’t be simpler. Just give us the nod, and we’ll be in and out to transform your dusty old lawn or plain and simple balcony into a stunningly beautiful green space.

Make Life a Little Greener with Easigrass

Trust us, there’s nothing better than feeling our amazing looking artificial grass between your toes on a warm, sunny day. So if you’re ready to swap your dry, brown grass with luscious green artificial turf, please get in touch to speak with one of our specialists today.

Tel: 04 884 8209

Benefits of artificial grass football pitches Dubai

Benefits of Artificial Football Pitches

Pitch Perfect

Why Football Clubs in Dubai Should Switch to for the benefits of Artificial Grass

According to FIFA’s Big Count, there are over 80,000 footballers in the United Arab Emirates. Add that to the fact that Abu Dhabi and Dubai have both invested heavily in European Football, and you’ll see that we’re all going a bit football crazy in this part of the world.

Football academies in Dubai, backed by some of the biggest clubs in the world, are popping up all over the place as youngsters are encouraged to take up the sport, while the Dubai Amateur Football League boasts the largest amateur league in the Middle East. There are also numerous 5, 7, and 11‐a‐side games taking place every single week across the region.

With the sport’s popularity skyrocketing in Dubai, football clubs and facilities must now ensure playing surfaces are up to the task.

This is where artificial grass pitches come into their own. Here are a hat‐trick of benefits football clubs will see when they make the switch to artificial turf.

Keeping the Beautiful Game Beautiful

Real grass pitches in this part of the world are incredibly impractical. If they’re not drying out or full of holes, then they’re costing more than their fair share of time and money in upkeep. Nurturing real grass in the UAE is a costly endeavour due to the high temperatures and prohibitive water bills.

By embracing artificial turf for football you’ll ensure the beautiful game is being played on a surface befitting of that moniker. In other words, no more divots disrupting your passing game!

The pitches are of Premiership‐standard, and lend themselves to high levels of performance without compromising the quality of the game.

Train Like Pros

When it comes to regular training, there’s nothing worse than finding your pitch is unplayable. How are you supposed to unearth the next Messi or Ronaldo when your players aren’t getting the game time they need?

By installing artificial grass for football, you’re giving your team and players the best possible chance to improve as footballers.

Also, if you’re running a sports facility, not only will cancellations be a thing of the past, you stand to increase your profits due to synthetic pitches being able to withstand more football than their grass counterparts.

More playable surfaces = more teams = more bookings. Back of the net!

Carbon Boot Print

Although probably not front of mind for a lot of footballers, there is a huge bonus for the environment when your club or facility opts to install artificial grass football pitches.

The amount of water required to keep a real grass pitch lush and playable is frankly staggering. Did you know keeping elite playing surfaces watered can use up to 20,000 litres of water a day?

By switching to artificial turf, you can turn off the sprinklers for good and do your bit in helping conserve water in Dubai and the UAE.

Easigrass is a Game Changer

We’re fanatical about football, and nothing pleases us more than when we get the chance to install artificial grass pitches, and in turn help take the game we love forward in the region.

If you’re ready to swap your dry, brown grass pitch with a green, real looking artificial grass pitch then please get in touch to speak with one of our specialists today.